Monday, 7 January 2013

Jamie's Snow Shoot

I met Jamie in my first year of Graphic Design, and we have become super close friends. Not only do we share many interests, but our biggest one is photography! (Visit her at JnPhotography) So needless to say, we are always up for working with our cameras and playing around in photoshop. This is a shoot we did yesterday. It was super windy and cold and the snow was coming down like crazy (seriously you should have seen our mascara!) But we braved it through and got some GREAT shots. Here is her session <3

All camera pillows and business card holder are made by me and will be available for purchase by a RTS basis soon on my Facebook Page :)

Top 10 week one at Photographers Connection!

I have the honour of being one of the top 10 for week 1 of my 52 week challenge over at Photographers Connection! There were SO many amazing entries this week, I am so happy to make it to the top 10! Here is my photo

The first weeks theme was Resolutions and Goals. A common goal that I have, along with many others is to eat healthier and lose inches, so I thought this would be a really great photo for the week. The idea popped into my head immediately, and hey I got to eat an apple while doing it :p

Here is a pullback of my setup. It doesn't need to be fancy, it just has to work!

Friday, 4 January 2013

Rock the Shot January Contest

Rock the Shot is having a contest this month for your best 2012 photo. I have to admit this was extremely tough for me. I have hundreds of photos from this year that I am in love with! Not just because of the photo itself but because I've made so many friendships with my clients as well.

However this photo has always stood out to me. Seeing how happy they look with each other, the rich colours and the way it just pops.. ahh love it! So with that, here is my submission for the January contest!

I'm a huge fan of laying down shots and I'm super happy this couple was down for pretty much anything. We had JUST missed the rain and had perfect weather. The sun was bright so I had them lay in the shade under a tree, and then used actions from Wish Photography to edit, along with my own techniques :)


Rock the shot